Below you can read and search (ctrl+f) through the learner autonomy bibliography. There are currently over 2,700 references. If you have any questions or if you find any errors in the list, please contact me so that I can make the necessary changes. I would like to thank Khwankul Dejamornrattanakul for her help in adding resources to this bibliography.
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Communication strategies is a book about the verbal and non-verbal ways and means that learners and users of a second or foreign language can employ when they have to face problems due to gaps in their linguistic, communicative or intercultural competence. Strategies also enable them to deal with uncertainty in personal and intercultural contacts and to increase their autonomy in using languages.
Communication strategies is both a handbook for teachers, teacher trainers and educators, providing them with a sound methodological background, and a collection of 30 practice activities, games and tasks for language learners and users. Photocopiable worksheets are provided, as well as freely downloadable recordings of native and non-native speakers of English.
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link 0(1).
Learners’ and teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards languages and cultures, language learning and teaching, and themselves as learners and teachers have proved to affect intentions, decisions and behaviour in the classroom. This paper reports on the preliminary results of a survey carried out in Italian upper secondary schools, with the aim of monitoring and hopefully fostering learner (and teacher) progression.
Mariani, L. (2013). Intercultural communication strategies for learner autonomy. In Menegale M. (Ed.), Autonomy in language learning: Getting learners actively involved. Canterbury, UK: IATEFL.
Intercultural communication strategies promote the flexibility learners need to cope with the unexpected and the unpredictable; encourage learners’ risk-taking, individual initiative and an active and responsible role in their learning process; and boost learners’ self-confidence, by giving them the feeling that they can in some way increase their control over language use. This paper argues for strategy education across the curriculum as a whole-person engagement, involving the activation of cognitive, affective and social factors, and as a descriptive, experiential and explicit pedagogical approach.
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The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of Japanese students’ beliefs regarding foreign language learning in a particular context. This is one of three studies undertaken by utilizing multi-model investigation procedures of my Ph.D. studies.
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