You can download a PDF version of my CV here.
Currently - TESOL Professor and Director of Research at Anaheim University in the USA.
Currently - Senior Research Principal, Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
Currently - Professor of Applied Linguistics at KMUTT University Thailand.
2007-2008 - Southeast Asian Ministers of Education, RELC, Associate Professor, Educational Technology Specialist.
2000-2006 - Founding Director of the English Language Self Access Centre, at the University of Auckland.
2013-2019 - Head of Education and Professor of Education at Unitec in New Zealand.
2015-2019 - Director of the doctoral programme at Anaheim University, USA.
2016-2017 - Dean of the Graduate School of Education, Anaheim University, USA.
2009-2011 - Head of Academic Development at Middlesex University, London, UK.
2025 - Visiting Professor, University of Hong Kong.
2025 - Research project: 'General Research Fund (GRF) 2024/25 project on the "Effect of Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) on Speaking Proficiency, via Anxiety, Enjoyment, and Willingness to Communicate' with J. Lee, M. Chiu, M. Dressman, J. Jia & K. Jieun.
2025 - Expert Advisory Board, Oxford University Press.
2023 - Visiting Professor, Education University of Hong Kong.
2024 - Host of the Launchpad Tech Innovation awards, organsied by the Flagstaff Centre University of Hawaii.
2023 - External examiner, Melbourne University, Australia.
2023 - Host of the Launchpad Tech Innovation awards, organsied by the Flagstaff Centre University of Hawaii.
2022 - Visiting Professor, University of Oslo.
2022 - Visiting Professor, Central South University, Changsha, China.
2022 - Advisor on the TESOL Infographics project.
2022 - External supervisor/examiner, Örebro University, Sweden.
2021 - Member of the Expert Panel on Technology and Motivation, Oxford University Press.
2021 - External doctoral examiner, Edith Cowan University, Australia.
2021 - External doctoral examiner, Hong Kong University, China.
2021 - External supervisor/examiner, Örebro University, Sweden.
2021 - Member of the Award Committees for the Education Sciences Best Paper Awards.
2021 - External Research Consultant, Education University of Hong Kong, on the LMOOC project.
2021 - External Educational Expert, Central South University, Changsha.
2021 - Programme Committee Reviewers for the 2021 International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE, Thailand, November.
2021 - Scientific Committee member for the Fourth National and the First International Conference on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in TEFL, Iran.
2020 - Visiting Professor, Central South University, Changsha, China.
2020 - External supervisor/examiner, Örebro University, Sweden.
2020 - Visiting Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, April, Thailand.
2019 - Visiting Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, April, Thailand.
2019 - Visiting Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, April, Thailand.
2019 - Visiting Professor, Shanghai Center for Research in English Language Education, May, 2019.
2018 - Visiting Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, July 2018.
2017 - Visiting Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
2016 - Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Central Lancashire, June 2016.
2016 - Visiting Professor, Kanda University, Japan, September 2016.
2015 - Visiting Professor, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
2013 - Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2011 - University of Calgary in Doha; curricular innovation consultant.
2006-2007 - Educational technology consultant for KMUTT University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2005 - Visiting professor at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
2004-2005 - Project manager for the TOEFL IBT validation study, University of Auckland.
2004 - Visiting professor at KMUTT University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2004 - Visiting scholar at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
2003 - Project manager for the TOEFL CBT validation study, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
2003-2004 - Project manager for the Adult Literacy Project, University of Auckland.
2002 - Project Manager for the TOEFL validation study at the University of Auckland.
2000 - Project coordinator at the University of Auckland, Dept of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics.
2000 - CALL consultant in the Dept of Languages and Communication at the University of Groningen.
1999 - Consultant in the Research & Consultancy Centre for Educational Linguistics (ETOC), the Netherlands.
1994-1999 - Volunteer teacher of Dutch and English to refugees, Educas, the Netherlands.
Currently - Founding editor of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Taylor & Francis, with Terry Lamb.
Currently - editor-in-chief of Language Learning & Technology, with Dorothy Chun.
Currently - Editor-in-Chief of Relay Journal, with Jo Mynard and Satoko Kato.
Currently - Podcast Editor of Language Learning & Technology.
Currently - Associate Editor of the International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT).
Currently - Associate Editor of Language Teaching Research Quarterly.
Currently - Editorial board member of Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics.
Currently - Editorial board member of Studies in Second Language Teacher Education.
Currently - Editorial board member of Digital Applied Linguistics.
Currently - Editorial board member of the St Andrews Journal of International and Language Education (STILE).
Currently - Editorial board member of RELC Journal.
Currently - Editorial board member of Education Sciences.
Currently - Editorial board member of Studies in Educational Management.
Currently - Editorial board member of The Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, (Springer).
Currently - Editorial board member of AsiaCALL Online Journal.
Currently - Editorial board member of JALTCALL Journal, Japan.
Currently - Editorial board member of Language Testing in Asia, (Springer).
Currently - Editorial board member of The International Journal of TESOL & Education.
Currently - Editorial board member of the Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Currently - Editorial board member of the Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments.
Currently - Editorial board member of rEFLections Journal, Thailand.
Currently - Editorial board member of the International Journal of Research in ELT.
Currently - Editorial board member of the AsiaTEFL Book Series.
Currently - Editorial board member of Forum for Linguistic Studies.
Currently - Editorial board member of the International Journal of Modern Languages And Applied Linguistics (IJMAL).
Currently - Advisory board member of Studies in Self-Access Learning.
Currently - Advisory board member of JASAL (Japan Association for Self-Access Learning).
Currently - Panelist for the New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Tertiary Education Committee 5-yearly PBRF research evaluation.
Currently - Reviewer for the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme & the Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme of the Central Policy Unit (CPU) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government.
Currently - Reviewer for Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government.
Currently - Advisory Board member of the Norwegian government-funded project 'starting age and extramural English'. See here.
Currently - Chair of the Ethics Committee, Anaheim University, USA.
Currently - Chair of the Ethics Committee, Anaheim University, USA.
Currently - Reviewer for Foreign Language Annals
Currently - Reviewer for System (since 2008).
Currently - Reviewer for ReCALL.
Currently - Associate Researcher on the ‘Web 2.0 European Language Portfolio’ project at the European Centre for Modern Languages.
Currently - Member of 1EdTech / IMS Global Learning Consortium.
Currently - Member-at-large of the JALT Learner Development SIG.
Currently - member of Teachers without Borders.
2018-2021 - Convenor (with Mark Pegrum) of the AILA Research Network on Mobile Learning.
2020 - invited member of Gamlit, Games and Literacy, group.
2019 - Member of the Routledge Experts Panel for Education Arena.
2019 - Program Committee Member for the CALL2019 (XXth) International CALL Research Conference.
2019 - Member of the Scientific Committee for 7th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching (ICELET2019), Iran.
2019 - Member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Behavioral Science (EPBS-2019), Istanbul, 25-26 October.
2018-2019 - Editorial Advisory Board member for the ‘Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration and Technologies’, edited by Jan Travers, IGI Publishers.
2014-2017 - Convenor (with Alice Chik) of the AILA Research Network on Digital Gaming.
2020 Reviewer for Modern Language Journal.
2020 Reviewer for Language Testing in Asia.
2020 Reviewer for TESL-EJ.
2019 Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Teaching.
2017 - Reviewer for the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET).
2017 - Reviewer for the Journal of the New Zealand Society of Applied Linguistics.
2017 - Reviewer for the Journal of Learning & Individual Differences (Elsevier).
2017 - Reviewer for the Journal of English Studies.
2017 - member of the honorary scientific committee of the International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing (, Dubai August 24, 2017.
2017 - member of the scientific committee of the 1st Conference on Practical and Pedagogical Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning†which will be held by Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch, in Urmia, Iran, August 26-27.
2017 - Editorial Advisory Board member of “Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Language Learningâ€, published by IGI.
2016 - Reviewer for the International Journal of Applied Linguistics
2016 - PhD Examiner for Waikato University.
2016 - Reviewer for Computers and Education
2016 - Research Advisor for Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
2015 - PhD Examiner for the University of Auckland.
2015 - External Monitor of the PhD programme at King Mongkut University in Thailand.
2015 - Editorial Advisory Board member for ‘Multiculturalism & Technology-Enhanced Language Learning’, by Tafazoli & Romero: IGI Global.
2015 - Reviewer for Applied Linguistics.
2011-2014 - Convenor, AILA Research Network for Technology and the Language Learner, with Glenn Stockwell.
2014 - PhD examiner for Massey University, Palmerston North
2013 - Reviewer for Language Teaching Research.
2013 - PhD examiner for Macquarie University, Sydney
2012 - PhD examiner for Monash University, Melbourne
2008-2012 - Panel member for the Masters and Doctorate in Professional Studies Programme Approval Panel and Research Ethics Sub Committee membership, at the Institute of Work-based Learning, Middlesex University, London.
2009-2011 - member of The Teaching and Learning Committee, the International Business Group, the Progression & Achievement Committee, the Senior Learning Resources Management Committee, and the Student Experience Committee, at Middlesex University. In March 2010 I was elected to the Academic Board. I chair the Learner Development Steering Group.
2011 - Reviewer for Language Awareness.
2011 - Reviewer for Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
2008 - Reviewer for Applied Linguistics.
2007-2008 - Reviewer for Language Teaching Research.
2007-2009 - Reviewer for Language Learning.
2003-2010 - Coordinator of the Learner Autonomy Project Inventory.
2008-2009 - Materials developer for Macmillan English Campus (academic English materials for online study: see here).
2009 - Conference committee member for the 4th Independent Learning Conference in Hong Kong, 2009.
2008 - Editorial board member for ‘Language Acquisition Technologies: Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning’, by Thomas, M. (Ed.), published by IGI.
2002-2007 - Member of the Languages Support Taskforce, University of Auckland.
2007 - PhD examiner for the University of South Australia.
2008 - Reviewer for the 2008 SLRF Conference.
2008 - Reviewer for the 2008 JALTCALL conference.
2004-2008 - Executive committee member of the Pacific Computer-Assisted Language Learning Association New Zealand Chapter President.
2004 - grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand for ‘establishing a comparative research methodology framework for the investigation of independent language learning and related teacher development’.
2004 - Member of the organising committee for the inaugural conference of the Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning conference, December 1-3, 2004.
2003 - Travel award to present at the e-ducation conference in Abu Dhabi February 22-24, 2003.
2003 - External examiner for Otago University.
2002-2003 - Convenor of the Independent Learning conference in Melbourne September, 2003 (see under ‘Autonomy’).
2002 - Co-founder of the Independent Learning Association (see under ‘Autonomy’).
2002-2003 - Member of the Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment reference group at the University of Auckland.
2001 - Research grant from the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics for the project ‘A Study of Tertiary Level English Language Self Access Centres in Australia and New Zealand’.
2000 - Finalist of the Dutch AILA (Anela) thesis prize.
2011 - Wine and Spirits Education Trust certified instructor (I know, I know, not very academic!).
2011 - Wine and Spirits Education Trust advanced certificate, with distinction.
2010 - Wine and Spirits Education Trust intermediate certificate, with distinction.
2005 - PhD University of Auckland, Department of Applied Language Studies & Linguistics. Recipient of a Top Achiever Doctoral Award from the Foundation for Science, Research and Technology for a period of 3 years.
2000 - Master’s degree (Honours) in Applied Linguistics from the University of Groningen. Finalist of the Dutch AILA (Anela) thesis prize.
1999 - Study in Damascus at the University of Damascus.
1996 - Scholarship to Study in Cairo at the Dutch Institute for Arabic and Archeological Studies.
1995-1998 - BA degree (Honours) in Applied Linguistics from the University of Groningen.
1994-1999 - BA degree in Languages and Cultures of the Middle East at the University of Groningen. First language Arabic, second language Hebrew. Specialisation: Arabic language acquisition, Dutch language acquisition by Arabic speakers, Civil Society.
1993 - Italian Language and Culture in Siena, Italy at the ‘Università per Stranieri’. Italian language advanced levels, Italian 19th century poetry, Renaissance art, Italian phonology, Italian art history.
Selection of courses taught
With some of my students in Singapore
Tweets by hayoreinders
Tweets by @hayoreindersCall for book proposals for the book series I edit, 'new language learning and teaching environments'
— Hayo Reinders (@hayoreinders) March 7, 2025